Helpful Pet Links in East Lansing, MI

Helpful Pet Links in East Lansing

As a pet owner, you might have a lot of pet-related questions running through your mind. If you’re ever looking for answers to non-urgent questions, we invite you to browse through our list of links below. From poisonous hazards, to travel tips, to diet suggestions, our links cover a broad range of topics. If you have any questions about our links or have a more in-depth question regarding your pet, give us a call at (517) 332-2511.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control
Contact the Animal Poison Control Center, or see what foods, products, and plants are toxic for your pet

American Heartworm Society
Seeks to educate and inform veterinarians and the public about heartworm disease

Indoor Pet Initiative
Offers a foundation for veterinarians and pet owners to tailor the best healthcare plans for companion animals

Guinea Pig Cages
A great source for finding the best enclosures and housing supplies for your guinea pigs

Guinea Lynx
A medical care guide for guinea pigs

For professional pet grooming products and grooming solutions

Shop for your pet’s favorite food, treats, and chews